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For instructions on how to register for events on our calendar, please review our Event Registration guide.

In-person Community Appointments: Longview

WorkSource Cowlitz - Wahkiakum 305 S Pacific Ave Unit 101, Kelso

Consumer Direct Care Network Washington (CDWA) is hosting an in-person hiring support session at the WorkSource Cowlitz - Wahkiakum, Friday, October 4. This session is open to Clients and IPs. If you need assistance with the CDWA hiring process, time submission, or another topic, please register to attend. Registration is required.

In-person Community Appointments: Mount Vernon

Mt Vernon Senior Center 1401 Cleveland Ave, Mt Vernon

Consumer Direct Care Network Washington (CDWA) is hosting in-person community appointments at the Mount Vernon Senior Center, Friday, October 4. This session is open to Clients and IPs. If you need assistance with the CDWA hiring process, time submission, or another topic, please register to attend. Registration is required.